Content Posted in 2024
2011 Law Review Articles on Employee Benefits Issues, Kathryn J. Kennedy
2024 Section 5 Revisions: The Voyage Home or the Wrath of Khan?, Karl T. Muth and Avery E. Bowen
A Black Man May Eliminate Race-Conscious Admissions in the United States, Shakira D. Pleasant
A Brief Introduction to Czech Law: Collection of Contributions, Michael P. Seng, Kent Woods, and Carissa J. Meyer
Advanced Practice Nurse Liability in the Age of Increased Independence, Jesse Klein
Agencies “Shall Cooperate”: A Blueprint for Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, Heather R. Abraham
All I Want for Christmas is a Trademark, Simran Thakur
A Primer on Constitutional Impeachment, Steven D. Schwinn
A Road to Recovery: Why the Expansion of the Child Tax Credit Should Be Permanent, Robert Hovey
Asian Americans: stand up against anti-woke (read anti-Black) politics!, Kim D. Ricardo
Basic Legal Research Workbook, Amy E. Sloan, Steven D. Schwinn, and John D. Edwards
Before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Written Opinion regarding the Request for an Advisory Opinion on the Climate Emergency and Human Rights, Francisco J. Rivera Juaristi, Britten Schwartz, Simra Abedi, Rochel Go, Sarah A. Dávila, Ámbar Z. Reyes Pérez, and Alexis Cortez
Best of ABI 2011: The Year in Consumer Bankruptcy, Alane A. Becket, Jason J. Kilborn, and Robert G. Richardson
Better Late Than Never: The Equitable Power of Federal Courts to Remedy Harms Caused by Historical Housing Discrimination, Andrew Darcy
Biogen Int’l v. Banner Life Scis. LLC: Exploring the Other Possibility That Could Have Resulted, Priyal Patel
Black Girls Face Disproportionate Discipline in Texas Schools, Renee Hatcher
Black Lives Matter and the Education Industrial Complex: A Special Issue of the Journal of Educational Controversy, Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb
Born Filipina, Somewhere in Between, Kim D. Ricardo
Brief of Amicus Curiae the National Law School Veterans Clinic Consortium in Support of the Petitioner, Skaar v. McDonough Docket No. 22-815 (2023), Yelena Duterte and Jenny Vanacker
California Debt Collection Lawsuits, Geography, Credit, and Race/Ethnicity: An Exploration, Claire Johnson Raba
Careers in Health Law, Lawrence Singer and Megan Bess
CBP One Mobile Application: Violating Migrants’ Rights to Privacy and Freedom from Discrimination, Sarah Dávila, Alejandra Palacios, and Brad Thompson
Celeste Hammond, Let the Bidding Begin: America for Sale- Real Estate Auctions, ALI-ABA/ACREL Papers (2008), Celeste M. Hammond
Chicago Must End the Use of ShotSpotter to Protect Human Rights, Sarah Dávila
Class 4 form of aggravated unlawful use of weapons is ruled unconstitutional on its face. Possession of handguns by minors falls outside of the scope of second amendment protection, Kim D. Ricardo and Blair Pooler
Climate Change Limitations of the Legal System in Addressing the Threats, IAFOR International Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment 2019, Celeste M. Hammond
Climate Law and Human Rights: How Do Courts Treat Rights in Their Decisions?, Dan Ziebarth
Cognitive Barriers to Rational Home Loan Decision Making: Implications for Mortgage Counseling, Debra P. Stark
Comentarios Sobre La Profesión Y El Profesionalismo (A Comment on the Profession and the Concept of Professionalism), Alberto Bernabe
Commencement of Insolvency Proceedings, Dennis Faber, Niels Vermunt, Jason J. Kilborn, and Tomas Richter
Commercial Leasing: A Transactional Primer, Daniel B. Bogart, Celeste M. Hammond, and Tanya Marsh
Commercial Real Estate Transactions: A Project and Skills Oriented Approach, James G. Durham, Debra P. Stark, and Thomas R. White
Comparative Consumer Bankruptcy, Jason J. Kilborn
Condemnation: Its Application to Residential Real Estate, J. Damian Ortiz
Conkright v. Frommert: The Supreme Court's Own Gobbleygook, Kathryn J. Kennedy
Consensual Transfers of Distressed Real Estate, Debra P. Stark
Cooperation Chicago: Building Chicago's Worker Cooperative Ecosystem, Renee Hatcher
Critical and Comparative Rhetoric: Unmasking Privilege and Power in Law and Legal Advocacy to Achieve Truth, Justice, and Equity, Elizabeth Berenguer, Lucy Jewel, and Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb
Cuban Law & Legal Research: A Snapshot During the Deshielo, Julienne Grant and Marisol Florén-Romero
Debt Relief, Karen H. Cross
Derechos de las Generaciones Presentes y Futuras a un Medio Ambiente Sano: Un Análisis en Equidad Intergeneracional y Solidaridad en América Latina, Sarah Dávila A.
Determinants of Failure ... and Success in Personal Debt Mediation, Jason Kilborn
Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Practices for the Law Review and Legal Scholarship, Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb
Do Colleges and Universities Have a Duty to Help?: California and Massachusetts Lead the Way, Alberto Bernabe
Does a Home Buyer Have Article III Standing to Sue a Title Insurance Company under Statutory Remedy for the Company's Participation in a Kickback Scheme, Celeste M. Hammond
Do the Pomodoro®!: Timed Writing Labs in the Classroom, Cynthia D. Bond
Effective Collaboration in Online Courses, Megan Bess
Electronic Prison: A Just Path to Decarceration, Paul H. Robinson and Jeffrey Seaman
El profesionalismo y los retos futuros a la profesión legal, Alberto Bernabe
Employee Benefits Law: Qualification and ERISA Requirements, Kathryn J. Kennedy
Employee Benefits Law Review Articles You Need to Read, Kathryn J. Kennedy
Ensuring Quality Instruction, Kim D. Ricardo
Equal Protection from the Bus Stop to the Doorstep: A Case for the Application of Strict Scrutiny for Disability Classifications, Adam Peterson
Executive Summary, Mark E. Wojcik
Executive Summary, Mark E. Wojcik
Eyes on the Prize: Procedures and Strategies for Collecting Money Judgments and Shielding Assets, Jason J. Kilborn
Eyewitness Testimony: Strategies and Tactics, Michael P. Seng and William K. Carroll
Fair housing and criminal records policies, Allison Bethel
Fear of a 'Black' President: Obama, Racial Panic, and the Presidential Sign, Cynthia D. Bond
Financial Planning for Retirement: Is the United States Prepared for the Retirement of Our Elderly Population?, Kathryn J. Kennedy
Force of Habit? Considering the Relevance of Post-Incident Evidence under Federal Rule of Evidence 406, Marc Ginsberg and Hugh Mundy
Foreword, Megan Bess
Forfeiting Due Process: How Adjudicative Reform Fails Property Owners, Claire Johnson Raba
From Habitability to Equal Opportunity: Navigating the Crossroads to Housing That Is Both Fair and Habitable, Professor Mitch and Tessa Henson
Funding the ICC for Its Third Decade in the International Criminal Court at 20: Reflections on the Past, Present and Future, Stuart K. Ford
Global Aspects of HIV/AIDS, Mark E. Wojcik
Global Aspects of HIV/AIDS, Mark E. Wojcik
Global Aspects of HIV/AIDS, Mark E. Wojcik
Good Intentions Gone Wrong: The Copyright Act’s Safe Harbor Provision and the Requirements of Actual Knowledge, Dolapo Igori
Green Economy, Daniel A. Farber, Renee Hatcher, and Jose Tengco
Hanging by a Thread: Meta’s New Platform, Threads, Sheds Light on the Slow Unraveling of Individual Privacy, Faye Vasilopoulos
Health Care and the High Court: An Overview, Steven D. Schwinn
High-Performance Brain Training for Law Students Final Report, Rodney O. Fong
HIV and Drug Testing of Non-Ethnic Korean Foreign Teachers in South Korea Found Violative of Convention to Eliminate Racial Discrimination, Mark E. Wojcik
Home Sharing: A new frontier for housing discrimination, Allison Bethel
Housing Discrimination: What's intent got to do with it?, Allison Bethel
How Much Money Does the ICC Need?, Stuart K. Ford
How Special is the Special Court's Outreach Section?, Stuart K. Ford
Human Rights in Europe: Commentary on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, William B.T. Mock and Gianmario Demuro
Illinois BIPA: A Litigation Nightmare for Employers, Andrew Cook
Illinois Criminal Procedure, Hugh Mundy
Illinois Legal Research, Mark E. Wojcik
Illinois Tort Law, Bruce L. Ottley, Rogelio A. Lasso, and Michelle J. Poelle
Implications of Video Games and Immersive Entertainment, William Ford
Informed Consent, Marc Ginsberg
Informed Consent and the Differential Diagnosis: How the Law Can Overestimate Patient Autonomy and Compromise Health Care, Marc Ginsberg
Innocent Until Proven Guilty: Unless You’re Poor. Righting a Systemic Wrong Under the Pretrial Fairness Act, Natasha Brown
Insider Trading Law Should Be Void for Vagueness, Richard Lee
International Cooperation in Bankruptcy and Insolvency Matters, Bob Wessels, Bruce A. Markell, and Jason J. Kilborn
International Health Law, Mark E. Wojcik
International Human Rights, Mark E. Wojcik
International Human Rights, Mark E. Wojcik
International Human Rights, Mark E. Wojcik
Introduction, Steven D. Schwinn
Introduction, Steven D. Schwinn
Introduction to Employee Benefits Law, Kathryn J. Kennedy
Introduction to Transactional Lawyering Practice, Alicia Alvarez and Paul R. Tremblay
Investment Arbitration Panel Upholds Jurisdiction to Hear Mass Bondholder Claims against Argentina, Karen H. Cross
ISBA Family Law Handbook, Cynthia D. Bond
Is “Reasonable”Reasonable? A Content Analysis on Judges’ Perceptions of the ‘Reasonable Person’ Standard, Audrey L. Cerfoglio and Emily M. Petrie
Jim Crow 3.0: Human Rights, Denialism, and American Racialised Mass Incarceration in Denialism and Human Rights, Cecil J. Hunt II
Juvenile Law Benchbook, Curtis Heaston, Diane C. Geraghty, and Celeste M. Hammond
Kisor and the Piecemeal Dismantling of the Modern Administrative State, 3 Am. Const. Soc. Sup. Ct. Rev. 165, Steven D. Schwinn
Larceny, Kim D. Ricardo
Law in Books Versus Law in Action in the Landmark Shenzhen, China, Personal Bankruptcy Regime, Jason Kilborn
Lawyering Skills and Clinical Cooperation: Teaching Spanish for Lawyers at John Marshall, Kim D. Ricardo and Sarah Dávila A.
Legal Writing in the Disciplines: A Guide to Legal Writing Mastery, Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb
Legal Writing, the Remix, Kim D. Ricardo
Legislative Attempts to Prohibit the Use of International Law and Islamic Law in US Courts, Mark E. Wojcik
Limits on Access to Judicial Review, Steven D. Schwinn
Louisiana Security Devices, A Précis, Jason J. Kilborn
Low-Income Litigants in the Sandbox: Court Record Data and the Legal Technology A2J Market, Claire Johnson Raba
Lucia v. SEC and the Attack on the Administrative State, Steven D. Schwinn
Magical Black Girls in the Education Industrial Complex: Making Visible the Wounds of Invisibility, Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb
Mainstreaming Experiential Education, Steven D. Schwinn and Michael A. Millemann
Modern Real Estate Finance and Land Transfer: A Transactional Approach, Steven W. Bender, Celeste M. Hammond, and Robert N. Zinman
More Paper in California: An Evaluation of Documentation Reforms in State Court, Claire Johnson Raba
More Paper in Connecticut: An Evaluation of Documentation Reforms in State Court, Claire Johnson Raba
Network or Not Work: The Choice is Yours, Mark E. Wojcik
New year, new penalties for housing discrimination, Allison Bethel
(Not) Following the Leader in the Newest Personal Insolvency Laws in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, Jason Kilborn
Ogletree v. Cleveland State University: Orwellian Exam Software’s Erosion of Fourth Amendment Protections, Robert Leander
One or Many? The Law and Structure of the European Union and the United States, Michael P. Seng, Susan Marie Connor, Doris E. Long, Sonia Bychkov Green, and Ann M. Lousin
One-Sided Litigation: Lessons from Civil Docket Data in California Debt Collection Lawsuits, Claire Johnson Raba
Overcoming Writing Challenges: Counsel for Aspiring, Novice, and Experienced Legal Professionals, Shakira D. Pleasant
People v Dunn Opening Brief, J. Damian Ortiz
Perverted Discovery: Rethinking the Admissibility of DNA Evidence to Prevent Potential Wrongful Convictions, Michael Vega
PPA New Benefits Restrictions Under Final IRS and Proposed DOL Regulations, Kathryn J. Kennedy
Promises, Promises! Physicians Contractual Liability to Patients for Unfavorable Treatment Results – Revisited, Marc Ginsberg
Race Unequals: Overseer Contracts, White Masculinities, and the Formation of Managerial Identity in the Plantation Economy, Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb
Ranking and Priority of Creditors, Dennis Faber, Neils Vermunt, Jason J. Kilborn, Tomas Richter, and Ignacio Tirado
Readings in Restorative Justice, Michael P. Seng, Sheila Murphy, and Allison Trendle
Recent Developments in International Health Law, Mark E. Wojcik
Reciprocal Legal Narrative: Climate Change, Judicial Authority, and the National Apocalyptic in Juliana v. United States, Conley Wouters
Rectifying a Wrong or Requiring Reticence? An Attorney’s Duty of Client Confidentiality, Tamara Walker
Reflections on Arlington Heights: Fifty Years of Exclusionary Zoning Litigation and Beyond, Robert G. Schwemm
Refounding Copyright in the Right to Dialogue. Consequences for ChatGPT and Other Artificial Intelligence Services, Juan Carlos Riofrio
Reframing Sexual Harassment as Gender-Based Violence: The Value of a Rights Framework, Sarah Dávila A.
Repeal of Obamacare? Not so fast! Popular items at risk in ax attack, Kathryn J. Kennedy
Respect, Honour, Dignity, Violence and Youthful Gang Offenders in the Honour Cultures of Urban Street Gangs, Cecil J. Hunt II
Restorative Justice in Practice: A Holistic Approach, Michael P. Seng and Sheila Murphy
Retribution Without Rehabilitation: How the “Troubled Teen Industry” Infringes on the Rights of Privately Placed Youth, Elizabeth Morgan
Review of Intellectual Property Law
Rights of Present and Future Generations to a Healthy Environment: An analysis in Intergenerational Equity and Solidarity in Latin America, Sarah Dávila A.
Robbery, Kim D. Ricardo
Semester Exchange with Masaryk University
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Mark E. Wojcik
Small Business Bankruptcy Reform In the Arab World: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back, Jason Kilborn
Sovereign Arbitration, Karen H. Cross
Spilling the Beans on Trade Dress: Whether Trade Dress Protection Gives Rise to Liability Under a Section 32 Claim on Trademark Infringement, Dahna S. Kazemyan
Strategies and Techniques for Integrating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion into the Core Law Curriculum: A Comprehensive Guide to DEI Pedagogy, Course Planning, and Classroom Practice, Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb
Summary Record of the Human Rights Committee's 5th Periodic Review of United States Report on Compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Sarah A. Dávila et al.
Supported Decision-Making: A Viable Alternative to Guardianship?, Amy T. Campbell
Taking Away the Bad Guy’s Gun: Designing ConstitutionalMeasures to Prevent Dangerous Individuals from Acquiring Firearms, Michael F. Angarola
Taking the MOLST (Medical Orders for Lifesustaining Treatment) StatewideStatewide, Amy T. Campbell
Tattoo Use: What Does the Right of Publicity Have to Do with It?, Yolanda King and Lateef Mtima
Teaching at the Intersection of Torts, Race and Gender, Alberto Bernabe
Teaching Sales through History, Opera, Poetry, Literature, Art, and Baseball, Ann M. Lousin
Testimony to the UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, Renee Hatcher
Testing for Housing Discrimination in the United States, Michael Seng
The Cost of Compensation: A Novel Licensing Platform for Digital Content Poses Unique Compromise for Artists and Generative AI Developers, Liberty R. Smith
The Curious Case of "The Slants", Steven D. Schwinn
The DePaul El Salvador Project, Alicia Alvarez, Kay Read, and Thomas Drexler
The Fight For Dyett: What It Teaches Us and Why It Matters, Renee Hatcher
The First Amendment Right to Petition Government for a Redress of Grievances: Cut from a Different Cloth, Julie M. Spanbauer
The Freedom to Contract: Employment Arbitration Is Feeding on Farm Laborers, Melodee Wines
The Illinois Medical Studies Act: A Practical Guide to Its Understanding and Application, Marc Ginsberg
The Illinois State Constitution, Ann Lousin
The Inadequacy of Current Digital Asset Statutes and Why a Large Subset of Digital Assets Are Not Securities, Hamdee Khader
The Integration Debate: Competing Futures for American Cities, Michael P. Seng and F. Willis Caruso
The IRS's Recent Uncertain Tax Positions Initiative: A Tangle of Accounting, Tax and Privilege Issues, Kathryn J. Kennedy
The Legal Writing Classroom in the World: Teaching Skills in a Social Context, Cynthia D. Bond
The Line Between Justice and Abuse: A Critical Review of StateRICO Statutes in Drug Prosecution, Jaylen Minefield
The Original Meaning of the Duty to "Promote the General Welfare", Stuart Ford
The Pen Is Ours: A Listing of Writings by and About African-American Women before 1910 with Secondary Bibliography to the Present, Cynthia D. Bond and Jean F. Yellin
The Post-Dobbs World: How the Implementation of Fetal Personhood Laws Will Affect In Vitro Fertilization, Monika Jordan
There’s no place like home: more choices for housing voucher holders, Allison Bethel
The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of the Alien Tort Statute, Thomas J. Ellis
The Shift from Defined Benefit Plans to Defined Contribution Plans, Kathryn J. Kennedy
The Shortcomings of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Parity and Opportunities for Improved Enforcement, Madeleine Larock
The Sprouting of Human Rights Initiatives in the Midst of a Storm of Resistance to Refugees, Sarah Dávila A.
The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, Cris R. Revaz, Jonathan Todres, and Mark E. Wojcik
The Unequal Burden of Debt Claims: Disparate Impact in California Debt Collection Cases, Claire Johnson Raba
The Wild West of Crypto Shows Signs of Being Tamed, Nicholas Lohan
Top Five Tips for Using Pop Culture in the Law School Classroom, Cynthia D. Bond
Torture and Restorative Justice, Kim D. Ricardo
Toward Opt‐In Consent for Pregnancy Testing, Kim D. Ricardo
Translating the Social World for Law, Elizabeth Mertz, William Ford, and Gregory Matoesian
Transparency, William B.T. Mock
Treatment of Contracts in Insolvency, Dennis Faber, Neils Vermunt, Jason J. Kilborn, and Kathleen van der Linde
Two Ways Law Professors Can Defend American Democracy, Bruce Ledewitz
Ugly Isn’t Pretty: Glenview Reacts to Changes in Fair Housing Ordinance, Allison Bethel
Under Siege: A Brief Glimpse of Legal Education and the Rule of Law in Ukraine, Julienne Grant, Iryna Shopina, Larysa Brych, and Anatolii Movchan
Understanding Products Liability Law, Bruce L. Ottley, Rogelio A. Lasso, and Terrence F. Kiely
Unionization and the Development of Policies for Non-Tenure Track Faculty: A Comparative Study of Research Universities, Karen H. Cross
Unmasking the Lie: Dred Scott and the Antebellum Southern Honor Culture, Cecil J. Hunt II
Using Skills Pedagogy to Enrich the Family Law Classroom, Cynthia D. Bond
U.S. Supreme Court Denies Certiorari and Affirms Discovery in Bondholder Litigation against Argentina, Karen H. Cross
What Intent Must the Government Prove to Convict Someone of Marriage Fraud?, Mark E. Wojcik
When Statute and Judicial Doctrine Collide: Doctrine Prevails, Derek Rhea
Where Are We At? The Illinois Constitution after Forty-Five Years, 48 J. Marshall L. Rev. 1, Ann M. Lousin
Why add real clients and actual legal work to the first-year curriculum, Steven D. Schwinn and Michael A. Millemann
Workers' Human Rights in Indiana: A Critical Look At Recent Violations, Renee Hatcher
Written Statement: Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith, Yolanda King