UIC Law Faculty Scholarship | UIC School of Law
UIC Law Open Access Repository provides access to law review citations and published versions of law review articles for our present full-time faculty and staff.


Submissions from 2025


The Ultra (And Nearly Ultra) Locality Rules Persist! Why Continue to Ignore Modern Medicine and Contort the Standard of Care?, Marc Ginsberg

Submissions from 2024


Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Illinois’ New Rule on Punitive Damages in Wrongful Death Cases, Alberto Bernabe


Mindfulness in the Law School Environment, Nicola "Nicky" Boothe, Erika George, and Kellyn O. McGee




Derechos de las Generaciones Presentes y Futuras a un Medio Ambiente Sano: Un Análisis en Equidad Intergeneracional y Solidaridad en América Latina, Sarah Dávila A.


Rights of Present and Future Generations to a Healthy Environment: An analysis in Intergenerational Equity and Solidarity in Latin America, Sarah Dávila A.


The Illinois Medical Studies Act: A Practical Guide to Its Understanding and Application, Marc Ginsberg


Under Siege: A Brief Glimpse of Legal Education and the Rule of Law in Ukraine, Julienne Grant, Iryna Shopina, Larysa Brych, and Anatolii Movchan


Law in Books Versus Law in Action in the Landmark Shenzhen, China, Personal Bankruptcy Regime, Jason Kilborn




Reciprocal Legal Narrative: Climate Change, Judicial Authority, and the National Apocalyptic in Juliana v. United States, Conley Wouters

Submissions from 2023


How Many More Brazilian Environmental Defenders Have to Perish Before We Act? President Lula’s Challenge to Protect Environmental Defenders, Sarah Dávila A.


Green Economy, Daniel A. Farber, Renee Hatcher, and Jose Tengco


The Original Meaning of the Duty to "Promote the General Welfare", Stuart Ford


Promises, Promises! Physicians Contractual Liability to Patients for Unfavorable Treatment Results – Revisited, Marc Ginsberg


“With Friends Like These . . . .” Doctors and Nurses Criticizing Co-Employed Colleagues. Are These Criticisms Admissible as Vicarious Opposing Party’s Statements?, Marc Ginsberg


Force of Habit? Considering the Relevance of Post-Incident Evidence under Federal Rule of Evidence 406, Marc Ginsberg and Hugh Mundy


Forfeiting Due Process: How Adjudicative Reform Fails Property Owners, Claire Johnson Raba


Low-Income Litigants in the Sandbox: Court Record Data and the Legal Technology A2J Market, Claire Johnson Raba


One-Sided Litigation: Lessons from Civil Docket Data in California Debt Collection Lawsuits, Claire Johnson Raba


The Unequal Burden of Debt Claims: Disparate Impact in California Debt Collection Cases, Claire Johnson Raba


(Not) Following the Leader in the Newest Personal Insolvency Laws in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, Jason Kilborn


Written Statement: Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith, Yolanda King


A Black Man May Eliminate Race-Conscious Admissions in the United States, Shakira D. Pleasant




Asian Americans: stand up against anti-woke (read anti-Black) politics!, Kim D. Ricardo


Toward Opt‐In Consent for Pregnancy Testing, Kim D. Ricardo

Can a Nonprofit, Investigative Organization Sue the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico in Federal Court to Obtain Its Records and Communications?, Steven D. Schwinn

Does the Federal Labor Relations Authority Have Jurisdiction over Collective Bargaining Disputes between a State's National Guard and Its Dual-Status Technicians?, Steven D. Schwinn

Submissions from 2022


Teaching at the Intersection of Torts, Race and Gender, Alberto Bernabe


Transitions Unexplored: A Proposal for Professional Identity Formation Following the First Year, 29 Clinical L. Rev. 1 (2022), Megan Bess


Black and Barred: The Bar Examination's History of Exclusivity and the Threat of Further Exclusion Posed by ABA Standard 316, 74 S.C. L. Rev. 179 (2022), Nicola "Nicky" Boothe


Deregulation and the 'Gig Academy', 67 Wayne L. Rev. 151 (2022), Karen H. Cross


The Escazú Agreement: The Last Piece of a Tripart Normative Framework in the Right to a Healthy Environment, Sarah Dávila A.


Review of Veterans Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, 2021 Edition, 71 Am. U. L. Rev. 1619 (2022), Angela Drake, Yelena Duterte, and Stacey Rae Simcox


Duty to Impair: Failure to Adopt the Federal Rules of Evidence Allows the VA to Rely on Incompetent Examiners and Inadequate Medical Examinations, 90 UMKC L. Rev. 511 (2022), Yelena Duterte


Symposium on the Retirement of Justice Stephen Breyer, 21 UIC Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 35 (2022), William Ford


Editorial Comment, 50 Int'l J. Legal Info. 81 (2022), Julienne Grant

November Business Meeting - Rhea Ballard-Thrower, 262 CALL Bull. 6 (2022), Philip Johnson


Dividing the Plausible Sheep from the Meritless Goats: The Fate of Stock Drop Litigation, 29 Elder L.J. 393 (2022), Kathryn J. Kennedy


It’s Past February 1, 2022: The DOL’s PTE 2020-02 Is Now Enforceable, 50 Tax Mgmt. Comp. Plan. J. No. 4 (Apr. 1, 2022), Kathryn J. Kennedy


The IRS’s Proposed Regulations on the Minimum Distribution Rules: Post-SECURE Act, 50 Tax Mgmt. Comp. Plan. J. No. 5 (May 6, 2022), Kathryn J. Kennedy

Building Bridges in China for a More Harmonious Society: Origins and Evolution of Personal Insolvency in Taiwan and Shenzhen, 31 Int'l Insolvency Rev. 183 (2022), Jason Kilborn


Intersection of the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act and Bankruptcy Code Reconsidered, 34 DCBA Brief 10 (2022), Paul Lewis

Antitrust's AI Revolution, 89 Tenn. L. Rev. 679 (2022), Daryl Lim


Life After Google v. Oracle: Three Reflections on a Theme, 12 IP Theory (2022), Daryl Lim


Trademark Confusion Revealed: An Empirical Analysis, 71 Am. U. L. Rev. 1285 (2022), Daryl Lim


I Mua Kākou: A Response to Dean Dickerson’s Call to “Abolish Caste”, 5 Stetson L. Rev. Forum 1 (2022), Kim D. Ricardo


Was Justice Ginsburg Roe-Ght?: Reimagining U.S. Abortion Discourse in the Wake of Argentina's Marea Verde, 48 Mitchell Hamline L. Rev. 128 (2022), Kim D. Ricardo

Can Congress Authorize Lawsuits against States for Discriminating against Servicemembers and Veterans Pursuant to Its War Powers?, Steven D. Schwinn

Can the State of Washington Impose Particular and Unique Workers' Compensation Standards for Certain Workers Engaged in Cleanup of Radioactive Waste at a Federal Site?, Steven D. Schwinn

Did the City of Boston Violate Free Speech When It Declined a Request by a Private Organization to Fly "the Christian Flag" on the City's Flagpole outside City Hall?, Steven D. Schwinn

Did the Department of Homeland Security in the Biden Administration Validly End the Migrant Protection Protocols Program, Started in the Trump Administration?, Steven D. Schwinn

Does California's Ban on the Sale of Whole Pork Meat from Animals Confined in a Manner That Is Inconsistent with State Standards Violate the Dormant Commerce Clause?, Steven D. Schwinn

Does the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 Violate the First Amendment Insofar as It Restricts Candidates' Ability to Receive Full Repayment for Loans That the Candidates Made to Their Campaign?, Steven D. Schwinn

Does the Clean Air Act, While Authorizing the EPA and States to Regulate Emissions from Existing Power Plants, Limit the Measures That the EPA May Consider in Determining the "Best System of Emission Reduction" Only to Those Measures That Can Be Applied to and at an Individual Source, like a Power Plant, and Not to Measures outside the Source? (20-1530) (20-1531) (20-1778) (20-1780), Steven D. Schwinn

May a Plaintiff Sue a Border Patrol Agent for Monetary Damages Arising out of the Agent's Violations of the Plaintiff's First and Fourth Amendment Rights?, Steven D. Schwinn

May States Intervene in an Appeal to Defend the Trump Administration's "Public Charge" Rule When the Biden Administration Has Declined to Defend It?, Steven D. Schwinn

May the President Pro Tempore of the North Carolina Senate and the Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives Intervene in a Federal Lawsuit against the State to Defend a State Voting Provision?, Steven D. Schwinn

Should the Court Block a Federal Rule That Requires All Health-Care Workers at Facilities That Participate in Medicare and Medicaid to Be Fully Vaccinated against COVID-19 unless They Are Eligible for a Medical or Religious Waiver?, Steven D. Schwinn

Should the Court Halt OSHA's Vaccine-or-Testing Option for All Businesses with 100 or More Employees?, Steven D. Schwinn


Teaching Cultural Competence in Law School Curricula: An Essential Step to Facilitate Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in the Legal Profession, 2022 Utah L. Rev. 813 (2022), Phyllis Taite and Nicola "Nicky" Boothe


Recent Developments in International Litigation, 57 Tort Trial & Ins. Prac. L.J. 411 (2022), Mark E. Wojcik


Sincerely Held or Suddenly Held Religious Exemptions to Vaccination?, 47 Hum. Rts. 20 (2022), Mark E. Wojcik

Submissions from 2021


Grit, Growth Mindset, and the Path to Successful Lawyering, 89 UMKC L. Rev. 493 (2021), Megan Bess


Do the Pomodoro®!: Timed Writing Labs in the Classroom, Cynthia D. Bond

Do the Pomodoro!: Timed Writing Labs in the Classroom, 34 Second Draft 1 (2021), Cynthia D. Bond


Traffickers' "F"ing Behavior during a Pandemic: Why Pandemic Online Behavior Has Heightened the Urgency to Prevent Traffickers from Finding, Friending and Facilitating the Exploitation of Youth via Social Media, 22 Geo. J. Gender & L. 533 (2021), Nicola "Nicky" Boothe


Addressing the Community Trauma of Inequity Holistically: The Head and the Heart Behind Structural Interventions, 98 Denv. L. Rev. 1 (2021), Amy T. Campbell


Time to Wake Up! Pushing the Boundaries in the Americas to Protect the Most Vulnerable, Sarah Dávila A.


Review of Recent Veterans Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, 2020 Edition, 70 Am. U. L. Rev. 1381 (2021), Angela Drake, Yelena Duterte, and Stacey Rae Simcox


Don Quixote or Darth Vader? President Trump's Views on International Humanitarian Law, 20 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 45 (2021), Stuart Ford


International Law Online: How Will the Pandemic Change the Practice of Law?, 115 Am. Soc'y Int'l L. Proc. 289 (2021), Stuart Ford


Senior Leaders and Those Most Responsible at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, 15 FIU L. Rev. 31 (2021), Stuart Ford


Palsgraf Meets Medicine: Physician Beware!—The Unidentified Nonpatient and the Duty of Care, 54 Suffolk U. L. Rev. 1 (2021), Marc Ginsberg


The Reliability of Statements Made for Medical Diagnosis or Treatment: A Medical – Legal Analysis of a Hearsay Exception, 54 UIC L. Rev. 679 (2021), Marc Ginsberg

Global Impunity: How Police Laws & Policies in the World's Wealthiest Countries Fail International Human Rights Standards, 49 Ga. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 243 (2021), Nino Guruli


Pro-Constitutional Engagement: Judicial Review, Legislative Avoidance and Institutional Interdependence in National Security, 12 Harv. Nat'l Sec. J. 1 (2021), Nino Guruli

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes, 258 CALL Bull. 1 (2021), Philip Johnson

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes, 259 CALL Bull. 6 (2021), Philip Johnson

CALL Executive Board Meeting Minutes, 260 CALL Bull. 11 (2021), Philip Johnson

February Business Meeting, 258 CALL Bull. 1 (2021), Philip Johnson

May Business Meeting: Diane Rodriguez (AALL Vice-President), 259 CALL Bull. 9 (2021), Philip Johnson


Law Schools, Cultural Competency, and Discrimination, 21 Berkeley J. Afr.-Am. L. & Pol'y 84 (2021), Samuel Vincent Jones


A Current Update of EPCRS Through Rev. Proc. 2021-30, 49 Tax Mgmt. Comp. Plan. J. No. 8 (Aug. 6, 2021), Kathryn J. Kennedy


How the SECURE Act Changed the Internal Revenue Code’s Required Minimum Distribution Rules, 29 J. Pension Benefits 1 (2021), Kathryn J. Kennedy


Primer on the Code’s Minimum Distribution Rules: Post SECURE Act,” 49 Tax Mgnt Comp. Plan. J. No. 6 (June 4, 2021), Kathryn J. Kennedy


The Perils of Self-Directed IRAs, 22 Marq. Ben. & Soc. Welfare L. Rev. 1 (2021), Kathryn J. Kennedy


Small Business Bankruptcy Reform In the Arab World: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back, Jason Kilborn

Small Business Bankruptcy Reform in the Arab World: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back, 36 Arab L.Q. 122 (2021), Jason Kilborn


Can Computational Antitrust Succeed?, 1 Stan. Computational Antitrust 38 (2021), Daryl Lim


Saving Substantial Similarity, 73 Fla. L. Rev. 591 (2021), Daryl Lim


Substantial Similarity’s Silent Death, 48 Pepp. L. Rev. 713 (2021), Daryl Lim


The Influence of Alice: A Response to Jay P. Kesan & Runhua Wang’s Eligible Subject Matter at the Patent Office: An Empirical Study of the Influence of Alice on Patent Examiners and Patent Applicants, 105 Minn. L. Rev. Headnotes 345 (2021), Daryl Lim


The (Unnoticed) Revitalization of the Doctrine of Equivalents, 95 St. John's L. Rev. 65 (2021), Daryl Lim

Embracing a Continuous Improvement Mindset in Student Drafting through the Development of Writing Samples, 34 Second Draft 1 (2021), Danielle McCain


The Law School Curriculum and the Movement for Black Lives, 31 U. Fla. JL & Pub. Pol'y 27 (2021), Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb


Why Would You Say That? Addressing Systemic Injustice in the Evidentiary Standard for Opposing Party Statements, 53 UIC J. Marshall L. Rev. 773 (2021), Hugh Mundy and L. Alexandra McDonald


Necrophilia: A New Social-Harm Taxonomy of U.S. Laws, 27 Wm. & Mary J. Race Gender & Soc. Just. 351 (2021), Kim D. Ricardo

Can a State Attorney General Intervene in a Case to Defend a State Anti-Abortion Law after an Appellate Panel Struck the Law, When a Different Attorney General Previously Voluntarily Withdrew from the Case, Renounced Authority to Enforce the Law, and Agreed to Abide by the Court's Ruling?, Steven D. Schwinn