UIC Law Open Access Repository provides access to law review citations and published versions of law review articles for our present full-time faculty and staff.


Submissions from 2019

Workplace Wellness Incentive Plans: The Legal Labyrinth Employers Must Navigate, 22 Quinnipiac Health L.J. 335 (2019), Kathryn J. Kennedy


Notable Employee Benefits Articles of 2018, 163 Tax Notes 1829 (2019), Kathryn J. Kennedy and Melissa Travis


Technology and Regulatory Black Holes: Issues in Protecting IP Rights in Insolvency for Both Licensors and Licensees, 18 QUT L. Rev. 290 (2019), Jason Kilborn


Of Dangers, Conditions, Children, and Maturity: A Plea for A Comprehensible Standard in Long-Standing Rules, 40 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 44 (2019), Maureen Straub Kordesh


Climate Change, The Paris Agreement, and Subsidiarity, 52 UIC J. Marshall L. Rev. 257 (2019), Paul Lewis and Giovanni Coinu


Can Accessibility Liberate The "Lost Ark" of Scholarly Work?: University Library Institutional Repositories Are "Places of Public Accommodation”, 52 UIC J. Marshall L. Rev. 327 (2019), Raizel Liebler and Gregory Cunningham


Predictive Analytics, 51 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 161 (2019), Daryl Lim

VLM Food Trading International, Inc. v. Illinois Trading Company, an Exercise on the Battle of the Forms Under the CISG and the UCC, 48 No. 4 UCC L. J. Art 2 (2019), Ann M. Lousin


In Search of the Common Law Inside the Black Female Body, 114 Nw. U.L. Rev. Online 187 (2019), Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb


Still Writing at the Master’s Table: Decolonizing Rhetoric in Legal Writing for a “Woke” Legal Academy, 21 The Scholar 255 (2019), Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb

The Practical Implications of Unexamined Assumptions: Disrupting Flawed Legal Arguments to Advance the Cause of Justice, 58 Washburn L.J. 531 (2019), Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb


There Are No Outsiders Here: Rethinking Intersectionality as Hegemonic Discourse in the Age of #MeToo, 16 Legal Comm. & Rhetoric: JAWLD 1 (2019), Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb


Empirical Analysis of Existing Human Rights Treaties and Prospects for Vulnerable Groups, 29 Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 63 (2019), William B.T. Mock


People v Dunn Opening Brief, J. Damian Ortiz


Fisher's Forewarning: Using Data to Normalize College Admissions, 21 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 813 (2019), Shakira D. Pleasant

Civil Rights: Did an Employer Illegally Discriminate because of Sex When It Discharged an Employee because of the Employee's Transgender Status (18-107), 47 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 24 (2019), Steven D. Schwinn

Civil Rights: Did Employers Violate the Prohibition against Discrimination because of Sex When They Terminated Employees because of the Employees' Sexual Orientation (17-1618), 47 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 19 (2019), Steven D. Schwinn

Immigration Law: Does Federal Immigration Law Preempt a State's Prosecution of Suspects for Identity Theft after They Provided False Information on Certain Employment Documents (17-834), 47 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 33 (2019), Steven D. Schwinn


Kisor and the Piecemeal Dismantling of the Modern Administrative State, 3 Am. Const. Soc. Sup. Ct. Rev. 165, Steven D. Schwinn

The Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico: Does the Appointments Clause Govern the Appointments of Members of the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico (18-1334) (18-1475) (18-1496) (18-1514) (18-1521), 47 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 29 (2019), Steven D. Schwinn


Reexamining the Concept of Citizenship in Today’s World, 52 UIC J. Marshall L. Rev. 357 (2019), Michael Seng


Properly Accounting for Domestic Violence in Child Custody Cases: An Evidence-Based Analysis and Reform Proposal, 26 Mich. J. Gender & L. 1 (2019), Debra P. Stark, Jessica M. Choplin, and Sarah Wellard


Re-Imagining Law School Clinics: Leveraging Resources to Do More, for More, Under A Hybrid Model, 43 Okla. City U. L. Rev. 129 (2019), Debra P. Stark and Christine Hunt


Extending Batson to Peremptory Challenges of Jurors Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, 40 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 1 (2019), Mark E. Wojcik

Submissions from 2018


Corporate Ethics: Approaches and Implications to Expanding the Corporate Mindset of Profitability, 49 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 637 (2018), Arthur Acevedo


Ahead of his time: Cardozo and the Current Debates on Professional Responsibility, 34 Touro L. Rev. 63 (2018), Alberto Bernabe

A Tale of Two Cases: The Supreme Court's Uneasy Position on the Proper Allocation of Authority to Decide Whether to Concede A Client's Guilt in A Criminal Case, 43 J. Legal Prof. 53 (2018), Alberto Bernabe

Attorney-Client Matchmaking and for-Profit Referral Services: 21st Century Innovation Clashes with 20th Century Rules and the End of Avvo Legal Services, 25 No. 2 Prof. Law. 8 (2018), Alberto Bernabe


Are Two Clauses Really Better Than One? Rethinking the Religion Clause(s), 80 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 1 (2018), Donald L. Beschle


No More Tiers? Proportionality As an Alternative to Multiple Levels of Scrutiny in Individual Rights Cases, 38 Pace L. Rev. 384 (2018), Donald L. Beschle


To Kill A Lawyer-Hero: Atticus Finch in the Law School Classroom, 45 Rutgers L. Rec. 191 (2018), Cynthia D. Bond


The Truth of the Matter: Why the Social Contract Dictates Legal Scholars' Sincerity, Candor, & Thoroughness, 101 Marq. L. Rev. 1063 (2018), Nicola "Nicky" Boothe


What Hope for Health in All Policies' Addition and Multiplication of Equity in an Age of Subtraction and Division at the Federal Level: The Memphis Experience, 12 St. Louis U. J. Health L. & Pol'y 59 (2018), Amy T. Campbell


Reframing Sexual Harassment as Gender-Based Violence: The Value of a Rights Framework, Sarah Dávila A.


How to Make Money Being a Not-For-Profit, 51 J. Marshall L. Rev. 529 (2018), Ronald Domsky


Decision, Appeal, Repeat: How VA Can Limit Wait Times, Error, and Red Tape through Settlements, 68 Syracuse L. Rev. 407 (2018), Yelena Duterte


The Meaning of Gravity at the International Criminal Court: A Survey of Attitudes About the Seriousness of Mass Atrocities, 24 U.C. Davis J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 209 (2018), Stuart Ford


A Hierarchy of the Goals of International Criminal Courts, 27 Minn. J. Int'l L. 179 (2018), Stuart K. Ford


Informed Consent: No Longer Just What the Doctor Ordered? Revisited, 52 Akron L. Rev. 49 (2018), Marc Ginsberg


Integrating Adjunct Faculty Into Teaching Real Estate Transactions Law & Practice--Both in the Classroom and Online, 53 Wake Forest L. Rev. 947 (2018), Celeste M. Hammond


Cooperation Chicago: Building Chicago's Worker Cooperative Ecosystem, Renee Hatcher


Police, Heroes, and Child Trafficking: Who Cries When Her Attacker Wears Blue?, 18 Nev. L.J. 1007 (2018), Samuel Vincent Jones

Notable Employee Benefits Articles of 2017, 159 Tax Notes 365 (2018), Kathryn Kennedy and Melissa Travis


The Rise and Fall of Fear of Abuse in Consumer Bankruptcy: Most Recent Comparative Evidence from Europe and Beyond, 96 Tex. L. Rev. 1327 (2018), Jason Kilborn


AI & IP Innovation & Creativity in an Age of Accelerated Change, 52 Akron L. Rev. 813 (2018), Daryl Lim


Biologics as the New Antitrust Frontier: Reflections, Riposte, and Recommendations, 2018 U. Ill. L. Rev. Online 209 (2018), Daryl Lim


Bridges II: The Law–STEM Alliance & Next Generation Innovation, 112 Nw. U. L. Rev. Online 147 (2018), Daryl Lim

The Rhetoric of Race, Redemption, and Will Contests: Inheritance as Reparations in John Grisham's Sycamore Row, 48 U. Mem. L. Rev. 889 (2018), Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb

A Story Is the Truth Well Told: Integrating Narrative Thinking Skills into the First-Year Curriculum Using Live Client Pro Bono Cases, 17 Seattle J. for Soc. Just. 25 (2018), Hugh Mundy

The New Digital Wild West: Regulating the Explosion of Initial Coin Offerings, 85 Tenn. L. Rev. 897 (2018), Randolph Robinson II


A Primer on Constitutional Impeachment, Steven D. Schwinn

Submissions from 2017

Lawyers, Organizers, and Workers: Collaboration and Conflict in Worker Cooperative Development, 24 Geo. J. on Poverty L. & Pol'y 353 (2017), Alicia Alvarez


The Wild, Wild Midwest, 26 J. Affordable Hous. & Cmty. Dev. L. 43 (2017), Alicia Alvarez


Teaching and Practicing Community Development Poverty Law: Lawyers and Clients as Trusted Neighborhood Problem Solvers, 23 Clinical L. Rev. 577 (2017), Alicia Alvarez, Susan Bennett, Louise Howells, and Hannah Lieberman


Will I Pass the Bar Exam? Predicting Student Success Using LSAT Scores and Law School Performance, 45 Hofstra L. Rev. 753 (2017), Katherine Austin, Catherine Martin Christopher, and Darby Dickerson


Fair housing and criminal records policies, Allison Bethel


Home Sharing: A new frontier for housing discrimination, Allison Bethel


New year, new penalties for housing discrimination, Allison Bethel

Reading Jane Austen Through the Lens of the Law: Legal Issues in Austen’s Life and Novels, 27 DePaul J. Art, Tech. & Intell. Prop. L. 115 (2017), Maureen Collins

Guide to Cuban Law and Legal Research: The Legal Profession, 45 Int'l J. Legal Info. 147 (2017), Eduardo Colon-Semidey and Julienne Grant


Unionization and the Development of Policies for Non-Tenure Track Faculty: A Comparative Study of Research Universities, Karen H. Cross

Guide to Cuban Law and Legal Research: Legal System and Government Structure, 45 Int'l J. Legal Info. 82 (2017), Steven Alexandre da Costa and Julienne Grant


The Sprouting of Human Rights Initiatives in the Midst of a Storm of Resistance to Refugees, Sarah Dávila A.


Communication Conundrums: Theories About and Tips for Effective Decanal Communication, 48 U. Tol. L. Rev. 211 (2017), Darby Dickerson and Marjorie Buckner


What Investigative Resources Does the International Criminal Court Need to Succeed?: A Gravity-Based Approach, 16 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 1 (2017), Stuart Ford


Restoring Rogers: Video Games, False Association Claims, and the “Explicitly Misleading” Use of Trademarks, 16 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 306 (2017), William K. Ford


An Evidentiary Oddity: “Careful Habit” – Does the Law of Evidence Embrace This Archaic/Modern Concept?, 43 Ohio N.U. L. Rev. 293 (2017), Marc Ginsberg


Beyond Canterbury: Can Medicine and Law Agree About Informed Consent? And Does It Matter?, 45 J.L. Med. & Ethics 106 (2017), Marc Ginsberg


Insuring Bias: Does Evidence Of Common Insurance Demonstrate Relevant Expert Witness Bias In Medical Negligence Litigation?, 55 Duq. L. Rev. 339 (2017), Marc Ginsberg

Guide to Cuban Law and Legal Research: Executive Powers, 45 Int'l J. Legal Info. 99 (2017), Julienne Grant

Guide to Cuban Law and Legal Research: Introduction, 45 Int'l J. Legal Info. 78 (2017), Julienne Grant


Cuban Law & Legal Research: A Snapshot During the Deshielo, Julienne Grant and Marisol Florén-Romero


The Everyday Economic Violence of Black Life, 25 J. Affordable Hous. & Cmty. Dev. L. 275 (2017), Renee Hatcher


Coverage in Transition: Considerations When Expanding Employer-Provided Health Coverage to LGBTI Employees and Beneficiaries, 24 Cardozo J. Equal Rts. & Soc. Just. 3 (2017), Kathryn J. Kennedy


Protective Plan Provisions For Employer-Sponsored Employee Benefits Plans, 18 Marq. Ben. & Soc. Welfare L. Rev. 1 (2017), Kathryn J. Kennedy

Notable Employee Benefits Articles of 2016, 155 Tax Notes 829 (2017), Kathryn Kennedy and Melissa Travis


Determinants of Failure ... and Success in Personal Debt Mediation, Jason Kilborn


I Dissent: The Federal Circuit’s “Great Dissenter,” Her Influence on the Patent Dialogue, and Why It Matters, 19 Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. 873 (2017), Daryl Lim


Retooling the Intellectual Property-Antitrust Intersection: Insights from Behavioral Economics, 69 Baylor L. Rev. 124 (2017), Daryl Lim


Article XIV, Section 3 of the Illinois Constitution: A Limited Initiative to Amend the Article on the Legislature, 48 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 899 (2017), Ann Lousin


Black Lives Matter and the Education Industrial Complex: A Special Issue of the Journal of Educational Controversy, Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb

Burn This Bitch Down: Mike Brown, Emmett Till, and the Gendered Politics of Black Parenthood, 17 Nev. L.J. 619 (2017), Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb


Magical Black Girls in the Education Industrial Complex: Making Visible the Wounds of Invisibility, Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb

On Writing Wrongs: Legal Writing Professors of Color and the Curious Case of 405(c), 66 J. Legal Educ. 575 (2017), Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb


Restorative Justice in Chicago and Abroad: Comparing the Work of the Community of Sant’Egidio to the Restorative Justice in the United States, 50 J. Marshall L. Rev. 511 (2017), Sheila Murphy and Scott Priz


The Curious Case of "The Slants", Steven D. Schwinn


Segregation, Violence, and Restorative Justice: Restoring our Communities, 50 J. Marshall L. Rev. 487 (2017), Michael Seng


Seeing the Wrecking Ball in Motion: Ex Parte Protection Orders and the Realities of Domestic Violence, 32 Wis. J.L. Gender & Soc'y 13 (2017), Debra Pogrund Stark and Jessica M. Choplin

Floating Liens, Proceeds, and PMSIs: Perfection and Priority in Three Closely Connected Cases, 47 Uniform Com. Code L.J. 287 (2017), Paul T. Wangerin


HIV and Drug Testing of Non-Ethnic Korean Foreign Teachers in South Korea Found Violative of Convention to Eliminate Racial Discrimination, Mark E. Wojcik

Submissions from 2016


An Argument in Support of Tax-Free Per-Cap Distribution Payments Derived from Native American Nations Gaming Sources, 37 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 66 (2016), Arthur Acevedo


Avvo Joins the Legal Market; Should Attorneys Be Concerned?, 104 Geo. L.J. Online 184 (2016), Alberto Bernabe


Civil Liability for Injuries Caused by Dogs After Tracey v. Solesky: New Path to the Future or Back to the Past?, 40 Seton Hall Legis. J. 29 (2016), Alberto Bernabe


Crítica a una resolución anunciada: Reglamentación del procedimiento disciplinario y la defensa de prescripción, 85 Rev. Jur. Dig. U.P.R. 16 (2016), Alberto Bernabe


Do Black Lives Matter? Race As A Measure of Injury in Tort Law, 18 Scholar: St. Mary's L. Rev. & Soc. Just. 41 (2016), Alberto Bernabe

Justice Gap vs. Core Values: The Common Themes in the Innovation Debate, 41 J. Legal Prof. 1 (2016), Alberto Bernabe


Through the Looking Glass in Indiana: Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and the Duty of Confidentiality, 92 Notre Dame L. Rev. Online 22 (2016), Alberto Bernabe


Town of Greece and City of Saguenay: Non-Establishment Principles with or without an Establishment Clause, 14 First Amend. L. Rev. 343 (2016), Donald L. Beschle


The New Normal for Educating Lawyers, 31 BYU J. Pub. L. 53 (2016), Nicola "Nicky" Boothe

Building a Public Health Law and Policy Curriculum to Promote Skills and Community Engagement, 44 J.L. Med. & Ethics 30 (2016), Amy T. Campbell