UIC Law Open Access Repository provides access to law review citations and published versions of law review articles for our present full-time faculty and staff.


Submissions from 2002


Who's in Charge Here?: Putting Clients in Their Place, 37 Ga. L. Rev. 1 (2002), Jason Kilborn


From the Paper Chase to the Digital Chase: Technology and the Challenge of Teaching 21st Century Law Students, 43 Santa Clara L. Rev. 1 (2002), Rogelio A. Lasso


Can't Pay Your Debts, Mate? A Comparison of the Australian and American Personal Bankruptcy Systems, 18 Bankr. Dev. J. 297 (2002), Paul B. Lewis


Are You My Parent? Are You My Child? The Role of Genetics and Race in Defining Relationships after Reproductive Technological Mistakes, 5 DePaul J. Health Care L. 15 (2002), Raizel Liebler

Basics of International Intellectual Property Law, 96 Am. J. Int'l L. 755 (2002), Doris E. Long


“Democratizing” Globalization: Practicing the Policies of Cultural Inclusion, 10 Cardozo J. Int'l & Comp. L. 217 (2002), Doris E. Long


"Unitorrial" Marks and the Global Economy, 1 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 191 (2002), Doris E. Long


Historical Revisionism and Constitutional Change: Understanding the New Deal Court, 88 Va. L. Rev. 265 (2002), Samuel R. Olken


The Business of Expression: Economic Liberty, Political Factions and the Forgotten First Amendment Legacy of Justice George Sutherland, 10 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 249 (2002), Samuel R. Olken


Termination of Desegregation Decrees and the Elusive Meaning of Unitary Status, Susan Poser

Submissions from 2001


Que Descanse en Paz: La Causa de Accion por Difamacion de Personas Fallecidas, 70 Rev. Jur. U.P.R. 917 (2001), Alberto Bernabe


Clearly Canadian? Hill v. Colorado and Free Speech Balancing in the United States and Canada, 28 Hastings Const. L.Q. 187 (2001), Donald L. Beschle

The ambivalence of the sacred, 16 J. L. & Religion 843 (2001), Donald L. Beschle


Why Do People Support Capital Punishment? The Death Penalty as Community Ritual, 33 Conn. L. Rev. 765 (2001), Donald L. Beschle


Is a Foreign State a "Person"? Does It Matter?: Personal Jurisdiction, Due Process, and the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, 34 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 115 (2001), Karen H. Cross


Forgive U.S. Our Debts? Righting the Wrongs of Slavery, 89 Geo. L.J. 2531 (2001), Kevin Hopkins


Downtown Code: A History of the Uniform Commercial Code 1949-1954, 49 Buff. L. Rev. 359 (2001), Allen R. Kamp


Judicial Standard of Review in ERISA Benefit Claim Cases, 50 Am. U. L. Rev. 1083 (2001), Kathryn J. Kennedy


The Perilous and Ever-Changing Procedural Rules of Pursuing an ERISA Claims Case, 70 UMKC L. Rev. 329 (2001), Kathryn J. Kennedy


Trouble Down Under: Some Thoughts on the Australian-American Corporate Bankruptcy Divide, 2001 Utah L. Rev. 189 (2001), Paul B. Lewis

Globalization: A Future Trend or a Satisfying Mirage, 49 J. Copyright Soc'y U.S.A. 313 (2001), Doris E. Long


Challenges Facing State Constitutions in the Twenty-First Century, 62 La. L. Rev. 17 (2001), Ann Lousin

Proposed UCC 2-103 of the 2000 Version of the Revision of Article 2, 54 S.M.U. L. Rev. 913 (2001), Ann Lousin

Informing Law Curricula: Modifying First-Year Courses to Reflect the Information Revolution, 51 J. Legal Educ. 554 (2001), William B.T. Mock


Why Miranda Does Not Prevent Confessions: Some Lessons from Albert Camus, Arthur Miller and Oprah Winfrey, 51 Syracuse L. Rev. 863 (2001), Timothy P. O'Neill


Cybermedicine: How Computing Empowers Doctors and Patients for Better Health Care, 19 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 589 (2001), William B. Powers


Reflections on When "We, the People" Kill, 34 J. Marshall L. Rev. 713 (2001), Michael P. Seng


Judicial Review of ICANN Domain Name Dispute Decisions, 18 Santa Clara Computer & High Tech. L.J. 35 (2001), David E. Sorkin


Payment Methods for Consumer-to-Consumer Online Transactions, 35 Akron L. Rev. 1 (2001), David E. Sorkin


Technical and Legal Approaches to Unsolicited Electronic Mail, 35 U.S.F. L. Rev. 325 (2001), David E. Sorkin

Scarlett O'Hara as Feminist: The Contradictory, Normalizing Force of Law and Culture, 5 Law Text Culture 45 (2001), Julie M. Spanbauer

Calculating Rank-in-Class Numbers: The Impact of Grading Differences among Law School Teachers, 51 J. Legal Educ. 98 (2001), Paul T. Wangerin

Submissions from 2000


The Pullman Strike: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, 33 J. Marshall L. Rev. 583 (2000), William J. Adelman, Gerald E. Berendt, and Melvin G. Holli


Another Attempt to Solve the Prior Restraint Mystery: Applying the Nebraska Press Standard to Media Disclosure of Attorney-Client Communications, 18 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 307 (2000), Alberto Bernabe


Supreme Court's IOLTA Decision: Of Dogs, Mangers, and the Ghost of Mrs. Frothingham, 30 Seton Hall L. Rev. 846 (2000), Donald L. Beschle

Managed Care Liability: The Outlook after Pegram v. Herdrich, 12 Health Law. 10 (2000), Amy T. Campbell


Languages of A Divided Kingdom: Logic and Literacy in the Writing Curriculum, 34 J. Marshall L. Rev. 49 (2000), Joel R. Cornwell


Grading Law School Examinations: Making a Case for Objective Exams to Cure What Ails “Objectified” Exams, 34 New Eng. L. Rev. 785 (2000), Linda R. Crane


Reflections from the Chair-The Road Taken: Honoring the Decade of Scholarship by Law Professors of Color in U.S. Law Schools and the People of Color Movement (1989-1999), 20 B. C. Third World L. J. 13 (2000), Linda R. Crane


Citation Frustrations--And Solutions, 30 Stetson L. Rev. 477 (2000), Darby Dickerson


In Re Moot Court, 29 Stetson L. Rev. 1217 (2000), Darby Dickerson


The Constitutional Flaws in the New Illinois Religious Freedom Restoration Act: Why RFRAs Don't Work, 31 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 153 (2000), Mary Jean Dolan

Banking on Their Homes, 86 A.B.A. J. 62 (2000), Celeste M. Hammond


Blood, Sweat, and Tears: Toward a New Paradigm for Protecting Donor Privacy, 7 Va. J. Soc. Pol'y & L. 141 (2000), Kevin Hopkins


Cultivating our Emerging Voices: The Road to Scholarship, 20 B. C. Third World L. J. 77 (2000), Kevin Hopkins


Why Truth is Not a Defense in Paternity Actions, 10 Tex. J. Women & L. 69 (2000), Diane S. Kaplan


Chief Justice Marshall as Modern, 33 J. Marshall L. Rev. 1145 (2000), Walter J. Kendall III

Reinterpreting ABA Standard 302(f) in Light of the Multistate Performance Test, 30 U. Mem. L. Rev. 299 (2000), Maureen Straub Kordesh


First, "Let's Kill All the Intellectual Property Lawyers!": Musings on the Decline and Fall of the Intellectual Property Empire, 34 J. Marshall L. Rev. 851 (2001), Doris E. Long


An Interdisciplinary Introduction to Legal Transparency: A Tool for Rational Development, 18 Dick. J. Int'l L. 293 (2000), William B.T. Mock


Corporate Transparency and Human Rights, 8 Tulsa. J. Comp. & Int'l L. 15 (2000), William B.T. Mock


Science Fact or Science Fiction? The Implications of Court-Ordered Genetic Testing Under Rule 35, 34 U.S.F. L. Rev. 295 (2000), Anthony Niedwiecki


Chief Justice John Marshall and the Course of American Constitutional History, 33 J. Marshall L. Rev. 743 (2000), Samuel R. Olken


The Finality of Judgment and Sentence Prerequisite in the United States-Peru Bilateral Prisoner Transfer Treaty: Calling Congress and the President to Reform and Justifying Jurisdiction of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission and Court, 15 Am. U. Int'l L. Rev. 1071 (2000), Ralph Ruebner and Lisa Carroll


Discrimination After Death, 53 Okla. L. Rev. 389 (2000), Mark E. Wojcik


Human Rights and Corporate Responsibility, 8 Tulsa. J. Comp. & Int'l L. 1 (2000), Mark E. Wojcik


Lawyers Who Lie On-line: How Should the Legal Profession Respond to EBay Ethics, 18 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 875 (2000), Mark E. Wojcik

Submissions from 1999


Arthur J. Goldberg's Legacies to American Labor Relations, 32 J. Marshall L. Rev. 667 (1999), Gerald Berendt, Gil Cornfield, and Peter Edelman


Perdon, si es Que te he Faltado: Retractaciones en Casos de Difamacion, 68 Rev. Jur. U.P.R. 635 (1999), Alberto Bernabe


The Juvenile Justice Counterrevolution: Responding to Cognitive Dissonance in the Law's View of the Decision-Making Capacity of Minors, 48 Emory L. J. 65 (1999), Donald L. Beschle


The Confusion of Causes and Reasons in Forensic Psychology: Deconstructing Mens Rea and Other Mental Events, 33 U. Rich. L. Rev. 107 (1999), Joel R. Cornwell


Interdisciplinary Combined-Degree and Graduate Law Degree Programs: History and Trends, 33 J. Marshall L. Rev. 47 (1999), Linda R. Crane


Introduction to The Symposium on The Works in Progress Presented During the First National Meeting of the Six Regional People of Color Legal Scholarship Conferences: March 25-27, 1999, 36 Cal. W. L. Rev. 1 (1999), Linda R. Crane


Arbitration and the Civil Rights Act of 1991, 67 U. Cin. L. Rev. 445 (1999), Karen H. Cross


Legal Processes of Change: Article 2(4) and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 4 J. Conf. & Sec. L. 75 (1999), Stuart K. Ford


OSCE National Minority Rights in the United States: The Limits of Conflict Prevention, 23 Suffolk Transnat'l L. Rev. 1 (1999), Stuart K. Ford


Foreword: Digital Signature and Electronic Document Verification, 17 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 721 (1999), Robert G. Johnston


Thou Canst Not Fly High with Borrowed Wings: Airline Finance and Bankruptcy Code Section 1110, 8 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 41 (1999), Jason Kilborn


Foreword: Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act, 18 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 275 (2000), Ann Lousin


On the Centrality of Information Law: A Rational Choice Discussion of Information Law and Transparency, 17 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 1069 (1999), William B.T. Mock

Teaching First-Semester Students that Objective Analysis Persuades, 5 Legal Writing: J. Legal Writing Inst. 167 (1999), Julie M. Spanbauer


See Jane Graduate. Why Can't Jane Negotiate a Business Transaction?, 73 St. John's L. Rev. 477 (1999), Debra Pogrund Stark

Submissions from 1998


Freedom of the Press and the Business of Journalism: The Myth of Democratic Competition in the Marketplace of Ideas, 67 Rev. Jur. U.P.R. 447 (1998), Alberto Bernabe


The Public Official Role of the Notary, 31 J. Marshall L. Rev. 651 (1998), Michael L. Closen


Deposition Dilemmas: Vexatious Scheduling and Errata Sheets, 12 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 1 (1998), Darby Dickerson


Ethics on the Web: An Annotated Bibliography of Legal Ethics Material on the Internet, 28 Stetson L. Rev. 369 (1998), Darby Dickerson


Law and Ethics of Civil Depositions, 57 Md. L. Rev. 273 (1998), Darby Dickerson


Taxation in the Bible during the Period of the First and Second Temples, 7 J. Int'l L. & Prac. 225 (1998), Ronald Z. Domsky


Foreword, 31 J. Marshall L. Rev. 299 (1998), Celeste M. Hammond


Back to Afrolantica: A Legacy of (Black) Perseverance?, 24 N.Y.U. Rev. L. & Soc. Change 447 (1998), Kevin Hopkins


Law Firms, Technology, and the Double-Billing Dilemma, 12 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 95 (1998), Kevin Hopkins


Foreword: Issues Affecting Notarial Law and Policy, 31 J. Marshall L. Rev. 647 (1998), Robert Gilbert Johnson


Academic Dishonesty: Revoking Academic Credentials, 32 J. Marshall L. Rev. 67 (1998), Robert G. Johnston and Jane D. Oswald


Uptown Act: A History of the Uniform Commercial Code: 1940-49, 51 SMU. L. Rev. 275 (1998), Allen R. Kamp


Bankruptcy Thermodynamics, 50 Fla. L. Rev. 329 (1998), Paul B. Lewis


Impact of Foreign Investment on Indigenous Culture: An Intellectual Property Perspective, 23 N.C. J. Int'l L. & Com. Reg. 229 (1998), Doris E. Long


The Article 2B Symposium: A Foreword, 16 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 205 (1998), Ann Lousin


Beyond Privacy, Beyond Probable Cause, Beyond the Fourth Amendment: New Strategies for Fighting Pretext Arrests, 69 U. Colo. L. Rev. 693 (1998), Timothy P. O'Neill


Foreclosing on the American Dream: An Evaluation of State and Federal Foreclosure Laws, 51 Okla. L. Rev. 229 (1998), Debra Pogrund Stark


On the Sudden Loss of a Human Rights Activist: A Tribute to Dr. Jonathan Mann's Use of International Human Rights Law in the Global Battle against AIDS, 32 J. Marshall L. Rev. 129 (1998), Mark E. Wojcik

Submissions from 1997


Establishing a Distribution System in the European Union: Selected Sources, 23 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 927 (1997), Anne Abramson


What's Guilt (or Deterrence) Got to Do With It?: The Death Penalty, Ritual, and Mimetic Violence, 38 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 487 (1997), Donald L. Beschle


Public Housing Privatization Using Section 8 Vouchers and I.R.C. Section 42 Low-Income Housing Tax Credits in Connection with the Use of Lease to Purchase Options, 16 St. Louis U. Pub. L. Rev. 355 (1997), F. Willis Caruso and Mark Brennan


Legal Writing as a Kind of Philosophy, 48 Mercer L. Rev. 1091 (1997), Joel R. Cornwell

Inclusive Teaching Methods Across the Curriculum: Academic Resource and Law Teachers Tie a Knot at the AALS, 31 U.S.F. L. Rev. 875 (1997), David Dominguez, Laurie Zimet, Fran Ansley, Charles Daye, and Rodney O. Fong


Language of Lullabies: The Russification and De-Russification of the Baltic States, 19 Mich. J. Int'l L. 219 (1997), Sonia Bychkov Green


A Gospel of Law, 30 J. Marshall L. Rev. 1039 (1997), Kevin L. Hopkins


The UNIDROIT Principles, 30 J. Marshall L. Rev. 761 (1997), Ann Lousin


Chief Justice John Marshall in Historical Perspective, 31 J. Marshall L. Rev. 137 (1997), Samuel R. Olken


Justice George Sutherland and Economic Liberty: Constitutional Conservatism and the Problem of Factions, 6 Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 1 (1997), Samuel R. Olken